What are the planetary transits ?
The continuous movement of planets around the Sun, at different
speeds, causes that every day exists in our Solar System a combination of
planetary positions unique.
A Natal Charts is a symbolic representation of the
positions of planets in the sky, in a while determined in the time: our birth.
When we compare the planetary positions at any time of our life, with those
of our birth, we obtain a picture that shows the tone and the quality
of our integration with the cosmos at that moment. This technique of
astrological prediction is denominated Transits.
Since we know the trajectories and
speeds of planets, we can know its exact position, and therefore the interrelation
with our Natal Chart, at any time: past, present or future.
Horoscope of transits shows where are the planets at a moment in relation to the
position that they occupied at the time of birth. The transits of the Sun, Moon,
Mercurio and Venus are those of smaller importance since they last little: only
hours in the case of the Moon, and few days in the others. From Mars to Pluto the planets
have greater periods of revolution and their effects in the houses can be
noticed some months or, in the case of Jupiter, even a year or more.
Jupiter takes 12 years to turn around the Sun, Saturn takes 29 years, Uranus 84
years, Neptune 168 years and Pluto needs 248 years to cross the complete zodiac.
The transits of slow planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) indicate
critic periods . In the case of Neptune and Pluto its period of activity usually
lasts more of a year.
Any transit of these planets notices times keys of
learning, lessons that appear through change and of the crisis. The best way to
confront a crisis is to glimpse the meaning and “to cooperate with the
inevitable”. Old the Chinese called to a crisis wei-chi, a combination of
the words wei (danger) and chi (opportunity). We can consider a crisis like a
tragedy, that there is to avoid whatever the cost, or a little while decisive
that offers the opportunity to change and to evolve - and pass more in the
school of the life.